Sacred Geometry
Zsonlay Light Art Mapping Competition
1th Prize
DarkLight Studio / TKlab
About :
The Mapping carried out for the Open Exhibit SSA Mapping has as aesthetic reference the Brazilian indigenous designs and standards. The graphic content was developed from this symbolic universe, where forms and repetitions create ideas and concepts.
The drawings reveal the way indigenous people tell their origin and shows how their thinking works. Body painting has many functions and is used in parties, combats and guarantee good luck in hunting, war, fishing and travel. Each tribe and each family develop their own patterns of painting.
Another important element in the narrative is the use of black and white to contrast and emphasize the structures of the Rio Branco Palace, transforming its forms into a symbolic narrative that values the elements of Brazilian culture.
The project was realized by the artists VJ Eletroiman and INZIST of the collective TKLab. TKlab is a research group oriented by the Telenoika Association, located in Barcelona, Spain.
Sacred Geometry
Zsonlay Light Art Mapping Competition 2017
Winner 1th prize
Location: Pecs ( Ungary)
Production: TKlab
CG Artist: Ricardo Silveira Cançado aka Vj Eeletroiman
Audio and Sound Design:
Marcello Nardone _ Inzist